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School lunches

School lunches are prepared on-site in our school kitchen by ABM Catering.

If you would like your child to have a school meal, please pre-book weekly via the link sent weekly via a ParentPay email. Booking closes at 5pm each Saturday.

School meals should be paid for via your child's ParentPay account.

School lunches are £2.53 per day.

Children in Foundation, Year 1 and 2 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals and those receiving income-based benefits and eligible for ‘Free School Meals’ DO NOT need to pay. However, lunches must still be pre-ordered.

Lunches are tasty, nutritious and provide many other benefits:

  • A school lunch improves concentration and helps children to do better at school.
  • The menus encourage children to enjoy a varied diet, improving long-term health.
  • Eating a school lunch with friends is social and great fun, whether it be a school kitchen lunch or a packed lunch.
  • School lunches are incredibly good value and very convenient.

Lunches are eaten in the main hall and dining hall.

Children bring their own packed lunch if they wish.

If your child has a dietary requirement, you must complete the ABM catering allergy questionnaire before they have a school lunch. Please click on the special diet letter below.

If you prefer your child to bring a packed lunch to school, we promote healthy eating and welcome your support with this important part of health education.